Kaltaine Ashryver
"I wonder if some part of me knew what was waiting for me. That I would never be a gentle grower of things, or someone who burned with heroic passion – but that I would be rather a quiet and enduring force, as faceted as the night I was born in. That I would have beauty, for those who knew where to look."
(Please enjoy Kaltaine's theme song. Turn down the volume before pressing play!)

Who is Kaltaine?
"You didn't ask, so how am I to blame?"
Age: 36
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Race: Miqo’te Keeper
Guardian: Menphina
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Alignment: Chaotic
Server: Diabolos, Crystal
Hair: Long; style & color vary
Eyes: Right eye: Black; Left eye: Sage
Height: 58"
Build: Slender
Distinguishing Marks: 1 scar through her right eye; 1 scar on her left cheek; body wide constellation markings that glow at certain times (alone with her one blue eye)
Common Accessories: Menphina’s Earring
- Introverted
- Organized
- Open Minded
- Calm (like the eye of a storm)
- Disagreeable (a defense mechanism)
- Reckless
- Both Patient & Impatient (depends on the person/situation)
- Outspoken
- Leader
- Empathetic (reserved for those close to her)
- Hard-working
- Uncultured
- Loyal
- Faithful
Likes: The color purple; Black Coffee; Libraries; Menphina's Temple
Loves: Her chocobo, Kadara; Black Lily of the Valley; Witty banter
Dislikes: Shyness; No scars; Lack of discretion
Hates: Loss of free will; Cowards; Bland food/drinks; Milk/sugar in her coffee

What exactly is Kaltaine?
Kaltaine is a woman that has mastered the art of black magic. She is scarred with a traumatic past that has taken deep root, manifesting into vengeance -- for her mother, her family, and her chocobo.
In recent years, she is learning that vengeance doesn't
have to be the only emotion that drives her.
Kaltaine is also loyal, fiercely protective of what is hers, and manipulative. Where she lacks in physical prowess, her mental fortitude and cunning mind, paired with her immense magic, makes her a formidable foe -- or an invaluable friend.
Which you become to her?
That's your choice.
What role will you play in her life?
"I kept going
not because I wanted to
trust me, all of me wanted to stop.
I kept going
because I deserved to know
what not giving up on myself felt like."
Where is Kaltaine?
Ashryver Estate:
[Her estate, behind glamour, is where Kaltaine usually spends her time.
(OOC: perfectly okay to drop by!)
(IC: you need to establish a relationship with Kaltaine first.)
Temple of Menphina:
[When not at her estate or keeping to the shadows, Kaltaine frequents Menphina's Temple as a way to honor what the Goddess has done in her life. Menphina was the youngest among the Twelve, and a student affiliated with the Words of Lahabrea at the Akadaemia Anyder. Even within that prestigious institutions, whe was considered a prodigy, and hers were the hands that created the magick to isolate and seal Zodiark. As a black mage, Kaltaine feels a strong connection to Menphina. Her temple is one of the only places that you can interact with Kaltaine as a subdued version of herself. She will never engage in conflict while on Temple grounds. It is also one of the very few places Kaltaine will wear white.
(For more information on this venue,
please check out the carrd
or visit the discord server!)
Aetherochemical Muniments:
At times, Kaltaine will often venture into a city state in search of knowledge. She has visited this place on more than one occasion, always treated with hospitality, regardless of who or what she is. She finds this location critical to advancing her knowledge in alchemy.
(For more information on this venue,
please check out the carrd!)
Alchemy & Culinary
Kaltaine does not come from a family largely versed in the alchemical arts. Her mother, however, sought to dabble in an attempt to gain insight on aetherical manipulation for positive reasons. Her death brought that to a halt, and now Kaltaine has picked up a desire to learn all things alchemy: both beneficial and harmful. She sees use in both sides of the coin.Kaltaine's family, the Ashryvers, were a culinary driven group, passing down recipes of all kinds and for all situations. This is something that is very near and dear to her heart, as it provides Kaltaine fond memories of time with her mother. If Kaltaine cooks for you, it is out of endearment and should not be taken lightly.

Tell me every terrible thing you ever did
and let me love you anyway.
Chocobo Racing:
Kaltaine's chocobo, Kadara, was the runt of her brood and the only survivor when Kaltaine's family was killed. Swearing protection of the chick, Kaltaine weathered the storm of her life with her closest companion by her side. Kaltaine's estranged brother, Kyro, left the family to be a chocobo jockey, despite Kaltaine's disapproval. Kaltaine is not a 'protector of all things,' but the mistreatment of chocobos is something to make her blood quickly boil.Libraries:
Libraries hold a special place for Kaltaine. Books hold the accounts of innumerable lives, all at her fingertips. Kaltaine is not cultured in a street-smart sense, but rather through books. Her memory is superior to the average Eorzean and will often choose to find a hole in the wall library to learn information off-the-beaten-path. You may occasionally see her grab an incredibly old book and open it, just to smell it.Coffee/Food:
Coffee is always a great choice... and always black. If you offer Kaltaine anything to put into her coffee, it is taken as an offense. Her food, however, is not so strict. Are you a master culinarian with recipes to share? Kaltaine is looking to expand her abilities to include foods of spicy nature.Aether:
Can your character see aether? As a Miqo'te, Kaltaine has some aether sight, but is not all-seeing. She cannot see reserves, see aether through walls, or use your aether as a fingerprint. She can, however, see vivid detail of the characteristics of your aether: color, movement, shape, fractures, etc. If your character can see aether, she has a great amount of reserve, though not bottomless on her own. Her aether is most like gloom purple, fragments of violent black smoke whipping through it. Does her aether scare you or intrigue you?

Valemont Silvaire
While at a venue she frequents, Kaltaine's aether was observed by Valemont. Noticing that her purple aether was fragmented with violent shades of black, Valemont became intrigued, rather than afraid. When Kaltaine learned that Valemont was highly trained in alchemy, reciprocity of interest bloomed. Over many interactions and witty banter, the pair developed a friendship unlike any other, bonding over their pasts and love of vialed creations. With the passing of time, Kaltaine's defenses crumbled with his continued show of loyalty and care, until their bond was too much to ignore. Now, with their combined magic of black and white, they serve as an example of barriers broken through the power of love.
Valemont's Carrd
(Please enjoy Kaltaine's POV song of Valemont)